Family garden Backwell
The garden was a new build blank canvas, exposed on all sides to neighbouring properties. The family’s wish list was privacy inside as well as outside the house, in addition to areas to relax and also plentiful play space. A total transformation was required.
The garden was on a gentle gradient that didn’t allow for a level lawn and associated play or seating areas. Part of the answer was to utilise the sloping gradient creating a step down into a seating area. A cosy, intimate setting is created enveloped on three sides by planting. A pergola straddles the space, with a scented rose climbing up and over supported by a stainless steel framework.
The inclusion of trees strategically placed not only helped with privacy but is an important boost to wildlife. Two multistem Himalayan birch remain focal points year round due to their attractive white bark and a crab apple is ideal for wildlife as well as providing Spring blossom and autumn colour.
We created a gentle journey around the garden by introducing a dog leg path in sandstone setts that takes you from the main terrace to the pergola, this is interspersed with gravel to soften it further. From the pergola seating area you can step back onto the lawn to come full circle. This was important to give the children a complete route around the garden.
A versatile play structure built in timber introduces a fun area for creative play. A rope net is suspended from a low platform with ropes extending out to poles set in the ground to swing from.
Sandstone setts London Stone I Limestone paving London Stone I Corten steel retaining wall Adezz I Corten steel Water bowl ingarden I Play structure Fountain Timber I Pots Hortology I Paint Farrow & ball