Planting with a mediterranean garden feel
The garden in Primrose Hill needed refreshing. The split-level garden hard landscaping consisted of attractive pale limestone paving and an area of decking. However, some of the planting had outgrown the space and had subsequently been removed or was no longer looking its best. A planting design was required to work with the remaining planting of three beautiful feature silver birch and a bamboo hedge.
A neutral and restrained planting scheme was designed and installed to reflect the owners love of their property in Provence. The owner had a preference for contemporary design and loved box.
A north facing aspect and climatic conditions had to be considered. To give a mediterranean feel the planting included standard olives, ornamental grasses, herbs and perennials alongside the more structural forms of topiary box balls complementing the existing hard landscape.
The soft grasses and perennials billow over the edges of the decking creating a more relaxed atmosphere. A mature climber was planted and trained to the slatted fencing. Star Jasmine was chosen, as it is evergreen, easy to maintain and is clothed with scented flowers from late spring to summer.